// $Id: Outputter.cs 1295 2007-05-11 16:52:51Z josd $
namespace Eulersharp.test
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
/// This class outputs the results and the proofs of the different tests
public class Outputter
private static readonly object LOCK = new object();
private static Outputter instance = null;
private Hashtable _files = new Hashtable();
/// This method constructs an outputter object. This constructor is
/// private because this class acts as a singleton. The only instance of this
/// class should be retrieved via the getInstance() method
private Outputter()
/// This method returns the only instance of this class
/// the only instance of this class
public static Outputter getInstance()
lock (LOCK)
if (instance == null)
instance = new Outputter();
return instance;
/// This method initializes the given file by writing a header to the file
/// the file to be initialized.
public void initialize(String file)
if (_files[file] == null)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file))
sw.WriteLine("@prefix r: .");
sw.WriteLine("@prefix xsd: .");
sw.WriteLine("@prefix rdfs: .");
sw.WriteLine("@prefix rdf: .");
sw.WriteLine("@prefix : <#>.");
sw.WriteLine(":eulersharp rdfs:comment \"\"\"EulerSharp");
sw.WriteLine("is an inference engine supporting logic based proofs.");
sw.WriteLine("It is a backward-chaining reasoner enhanced with Euler path detection and will tell");
sw.WriteLine("you whether a given set of facts and rules supports a given conclusion.");
sw.WriteLine("To parse the manifests and the test documents Jena 2 is used.\"\"\"^^rdf:XMLLiteral;");
sw.WriteLine("rdfs:label \"EulerSharp\";");
sw.WriteLine("rdfs:seeAlso .");
_files.Add(file, file);
/// This method adds the given result to the correct result file
/// the file to be extended.
/// The result to be appended to the given result file
public void addToResult(String file, String result)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file, true))
/// This method writes a proof into a given file
/// the file to be extended.
/// The proof to be saved in the given file
public void writeProof(String file, String proof)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file))