// $Id: StdOutputter.cs 1295 2007-05-11 16:52:51Z josd $
namespace Eulersharp.Output
using System;
* This class redirects all output from euler to standard output
public class StdOutputter:ILogger, IProof, IResult
#region Declarations
private static object LOCK = new object();
private static StdOutputter instance = null;
private Outputter.LOGLEVEL _logLevel = Outputter.LOGLEVEL.SEVERE; // log everything by default
#region Constructor and Destructor
/// This method constructs an instance of the StdOutLogger class. This
/// constructor is private because this class is a singleton. The only
/// instance of this class should be retrieved via the getInstance() method.
private StdOutputter()
/// This class acts as a singleton. getInstance() returns the only instance of
/// this class.
/// the only instance of this class
public static StdOutputter GetInstance()
lock (LOCK)
if (instance == null)
instance = new StdOutputter();
return instance;
/// This method releases the only instance of this class. All internal
/// state will be cleared.
public static void ReleaseInstance()
lock (LOCK)
if (instance != null)
// clear all internal state
// clear instance
instance = null;
#region Implementation of interface ILogger
/// This method prints a log message on std out
/// the name of the class that initiated the message
/// the method that initiated the log message
/// the log message
/// the log level
public void Log(string className, string methodName, string message, Outputter.LOGLEVEL logLevel)
if (logLevel <= _logLevel) {
Console.WriteLine("LOG: (" + logLevel.ToString() + ") " + className + "::" + methodName + " => " + message);
#region Implementation of interface IResult
/// This method prints a result on std out.
/// the name of the test case
/// the result of the test case
public void Result(string testCase, string result)
Console.WriteLine("RESULT: (" + testCase + ") " + result);
#region Implementation of interface IProof
/// This method prints a proof on std out.
/// the name of the test case
/// the proof (if found)
public void Proof(string testCase, string proof)
Console.WriteLine("PROOF: (" + testCase + ") " + proof);
#region Public methods
/// This method sets the log level. All log methods with a log level higher
/// than this loglevel will be logged on the standard output stream.
/// the threshold log level
public void setLogLevel(Outputter.LOGLEVEL logLevel)
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Outputter.LOGLEVEL), logLevel))
_logLevel = logLevel;
/*public static void Main(string[] args)
Outputter.GetInstance().Log("StdOutputter", "main", "Starting test", Outputter.LOGLEVEL.SEVERE);
Outputter.GetInstance().Result("test 1", "success");
Outputter.GetInstance().Proof("test 1", "proof");
Outputter.GetInstance().Log("StdOutputter", "main", "Stopping test", Outputter.LOGLEVEL.SEVERE);